When you know how to spot the early signs of stress, it is easier to manage it - and easier to prevent burnout
Mental exhaustion isn't just about stress. Mental exhaustion refers to a state of extreme mental fatigue or burnout that arises from prolonged or intense mental activity. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as long periods of stress, overwork, lack of sleep, or complex problem-solving.
Mental exhaustion can manifest as difficulty concentrating, feeling irritable, experiencing memory lapses, and a reduced ability to perform cognitive tasks. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and difficulty sleeping. If left unaddressed, mental exhaustion can significantly impact a person's overall health and wellbeing.
Take a look through this list of the most common symptoms of mental exhaustion - and see how many you recognise in yourself.
Low emotional resilience
Feeling stressed or anxious
Cynicism or pessimism, feeling like nothing is going right
Apathy (a feeling of not caring)
Difficulty concentrating
Feelings of helplessness
Physical exhaustion or fatigue
Sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little)
Feelings of being overwhelmed
Low motivation
Feeling distracted or on edge
Difficulty with memory
Drastic weight gain/loss
Changes in appetite
Depression/depressive symptoms
Suicidal ideation
If you answered yes to more than 6 items on our checklist and if you’ve been noticing ANY of the symptoms for a prolonged period, it is possible that you’re feeling mental strain. To help eliminate some of the mental exhaustion you’re feeling, here are some of Craig's best tips.
Reduce the stressors in your life
If you’re overwhelmed with your tasks at work, consider asking for help or delegating to others, if possible.
Write it down
Writing can be extremely therapeutic and keeping a journal during stressful times can help alleviate feelings of stress and overwhelm. People who record gratitude exercises may have a higher sense of wellbeing, fewer symptoms of physical illness and reduced stress. In fact, we may feel more satisfied in our relationships if we keep journals.
There are many ways you can incorporate exercise into your daily activities, such as taking an extra walk up and down the stairs, waking up early to go for a walk/run or even signing up to an online exercise class.
Sleep hygiene
Feeling rested from sufficient sleep is essential for your optimum mental wellbeing. Developing a bedtime routine and sticking to it – the same routine at the same time very day – can be particularly helpful if sleep has become very disordered or if you are feeling overtired. Make a point of switching off all digital devices at least an hour before you begin your routine and consider introducing a new activity to your evening wind-down time, such as reading, a craft activity or puzzle.
Book time with a doctor and/or therapist.
Mental exhaustion can be incredibly difficult to cope with. But seeking medical treatment will enable a swifter recovery but you may also want to rule out a physical cause of extreme tiredness. A wellbeing mentor can provide you with the tools you need to cope with stressors that crop up in your daily life and a doctor can talk to you about your symptoms and medications that may be helpful, especially if you’re feeling extreme emotions.
Seeking medical assistance for mental exhaustion is common. And many therapists work alongside patients to help develop healthy coping mechanisms. It’s also common for doctors to assist with treatments such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications where they are needed. If you are feeling exhausted mentally and if you are feeling more anxious or your mood is persistently low, please seek medical advice. This blog’s purpose is a discussion point and is no substitute for treatment that will help you better manage your feelings of exhaustion or overwhelm.
If you’d like to know more about 1:1 stress mentoring programmes or small group stress management workshops for leadership teams or colleagues. Book your Discovery Call using the contact form here.